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Writer's pictureTwo the Horizon

Lots to report from the mothership!

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

We’ve been quiet on here… here’s why:

✨We made it across the Sea of Cortez for the second time this season, completing 300nm of upwind sailing to arrive back in La Paz. I caught a stomach bug the day our passage started so it wasn’t my favorite time but we still both secretly loved the upwind challenge.

✨Arriving to the crystal blue waters and desert landscapes we realized how much we missed Baja! Thank you mainland adventures for some heat, jungle vibes & just enough time away from magical Baja to realize how much we like it over here.

✨We’ve been putting in countless hours behind the scenes to tackle a couple different creative projects we can’t wait to share with you all (Patrons get early access). These are things that have been on our minds since sailing under the Golden Gate almost a year ago (wow, has it been that long already?) so we are excited to be putting in the hours to release them to the world. We are super excited to have our SF Bay Anchorage Guide published and available for you!

✨It may seem that our sailing life is all fun and games but we are not rich & have gone back into debt to complete some big upcoming boat projects so we’ve had to buckle down and make sure we keep the $ flowing in, finding ways to generate additional/passive income. More on that soon, too!

✨In just under a month we will dive into replacing our chainplates which is the first big, invasive job we will not be tackling 100% on our own. It’s exciting and nerve wracking all at once.

✨As soon as our chainplates are done and rig tuned, we’ll sail across the SOC once again to tackle even more projects. This one we are spearheading all on our own: a complete electric propulsion system to replace our problematic diesel (which has given us years of headaches, some of which are detailed here!). We’re itching to tear things apart and get our hands dirty to be one step closer to being fossil-fuel free and tread even lighter on our planet.

Wow, writing it out really let’s it sink in: the next couple of months are going to be HUGE!

We will be pouring most of our free time into providing real-time content on our projects for our Patreon crew and documenting it all for future YT videos.

Lots of exciting things happening, so thanks for following along!

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